Call for abstract: The logic of landscapes and antiquarian practice (September, Gothenburg)
17/1/14 .-
Call for abstract for a special session theme *“The logic of landscapes and
antiquarian practice”* at the PECSRL conference “*Unraveling the logics of
landscape*” in Gothenburg and Mariestad Sweden, 8-12 September 2014.
Session organizers:
*Ådel Vestbö-Franzén * **Jönköping County Museum, Jönköping, Sweden*
*Carl-Johan Sanglert **University of Lund, Sweden*
*Moa Lorentzon **Jönköping County Museum, Jönköping, Sweden*
In this session we want to address the relation between the interpretation
and representation of historical landscapes in heritage and nature
conservation on the one hand and landscapes actual historical contexts on
the other.
Our point of departure is that landscapes and places may be understood as
emergent historical structures with their own intrinsic logics.
Distinguished from the historical narrative this logic exists independently
of external assessments, but may never the less be accessible through
different kinds of analysis and methodologies. From this standpoint an
adequate interpretation of a historical landscape imply that the
methodological application in question has the potential to grasp the
structural relations of the particular place or landscape. We think that
this calls for an intensified discussion of how to deal with the logics of
landscape from a methodological perspective but also of how methodological
approaches in landscape analysis are turned into antiquarian practices and
eventually also affects decision making and policies. From this perspective
it is important to take a critical stance towards idealised representations
of landscape heritage. On a theoretical level this is a question of
dynamically combining ontology and epistemology. However, relating to
current debates on sustainability and democracy, the ability to adequately
entangle the logics of landscape are crucial in order to assess the effects
and consequences of different strategies.
We welcome presentations discussing methodological approaches in historical
landscape analysis and investigation in a broad sense (including for
instance various kinds of field studies). We are particularly interested in
theoretical models and conceptualizations of landscapes, methods for
landscape analysis, attempts to integrate theoretical approaches in
methodological applications and conservation, evaluations of current
practices as well as case studies of landscape planning and conservation.
Contact corresponding organizer:
Submission of abstracts is open until 2014-01-31. Please see instructions
for submission on the following link;
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