Call for papers "Mediterranean Landscapes in Post Antiquity" (Istanbul, September 2014)
12/1/14 .-
Mediterranean Landscapes in Post Antiquity: new frontiers and new perspectives
Session in the 20th Annual Meeting of the European
Association of Archaeologists. Istanbul, September 10-14, 2014
T04 Environment and Subsistence: Geosphere, Ecosphere and Human Interactions
T04S010 Mediterranean Landscapes in Post Antiquity: new frontiers and new perspectives
In recent years Landscape Archaeology has considerably improved its interdisciplinary approach, integrating traditional research with more advanced and sophisticated methods, exploiting in an innovative way the results of paleoenvironmental researches. The fundamental theoretical structures have also progressively changed. Landscape, once considered an inactive ‘holder’ of settlement, is now seen as an interactive subject whose evolution and resources are in continuous synergy with human occupation processes. Archaeological evidences are now considered useful tools to understand how landscape itself was perceived and perceptively built. These theoretical and methodological models were developed especially in Central and Northern Europe, where they achieved important innovative results. The proposed session aims to verify how these approaches have been adopted and used in the Mediterranean area, by answering to the following questions: which is the status of landscape research in the Mediterranean countries? Are there different approaches in landscape analysis between scholars of Antiquity and scholars of post Antiquity? If we consider that paleoenvironmental records are invaluable sources in reconstructing historical processes, which strategies are being defined for their preservation or to rescue these data in the development plans of rural areas? This session invites submission of papers dealing with methodology or case studies.
Organization: Sauro GELICHI y Lauro OLMO
Adresses of their afiliations:: Ca’ Foscari University in Venice (ITA) Dorsoduro 3484/D - 30123 Venice (Italy). / Alcalà University, Alcalá de Henares (ESP) C/ Colegios nº 2 - 28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid - ESP)
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Session in the 20th Annual Meeting of the European
Association of Archaeologists. Istanbul, September 10-14, 2014
T04 Environment and Subsistence: Geosphere, Ecosphere and Human Interactions
T04S010 Mediterranean Landscapes in Post Antiquity: new frontiers and new perspectives
In recent years Landscape Archaeology has considerably improved its interdisciplinary approach, integrating traditional research with more advanced and sophisticated methods, exploiting in an innovative way the results of paleoenvironmental researches. The fundamental theoretical structures have also progressively changed. Landscape, once considered an inactive ‘holder’ of settlement, is now seen as an interactive subject whose evolution and resources are in continuous synergy with human occupation processes. Archaeological evidences are now considered useful tools to understand how landscape itself was perceived and perceptively built. These theoretical and methodological models were developed especially in Central and Northern Europe, where they achieved important innovative results. The proposed session aims to verify how these approaches have been adopted and used in the Mediterranean area, by answering to the following questions: which is the status of landscape research in the Mediterranean countries? Are there different approaches in landscape analysis between scholars of Antiquity and scholars of post Antiquity? If we consider that paleoenvironmental records are invaluable sources in reconstructing historical processes, which strategies are being defined for their preservation or to rescue these data in the development plans of rural areas? This session invites submission of papers dealing with methodology or case studies.
Organization: Sauro GELICHI y Lauro OLMO
Adresses of their afiliations:: Ca’ Foscari University in Venice (ITA) Dorsoduro 3484/D - 30123 Venice (Italy). / Alcalà University, Alcalá de Henares (ESP) C/ Colegios nº 2 - 28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid - ESP)
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