Curso de verano "Viking Age Scandinavia – Transformation and Expansion" (Dinamarca)

27/4/09 .-

Viking Age Scandinavia – Transformation and Expansion


Study during the summer and meet international lecturers and fellow students!

The University of Aarhus Summer School on Viking Age Scandinavia is an intensive short-session course designed to meet the needs of students interested in a brief but challenging educational experience during the summer.

Teaching takes place in a museum environment and brings together Danish and foreign students and staff. The course is open to BA and MA students in archaeology, history, literature and related disciplines from Denmark and elsewhere, as well as to other foreign students in Denmark and history teachers in secondary schools.

See our website for more information:

Course description:

The Viking Age (c. 800-1050AD) is an essential and distinctive element of the Scandinavian identity. During this period Scandinavians played a decisive role in many parts of Europe, a role which encompassed raids and trade along German, French and Russian rivers; the conquest of England and much of Ireland and Scotland; voyages to the Mediterranean and America; the colonization of Iceland and Greenland, and much more. In this course we shall also examine the story of the Viking homelands (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) which is, strangely, often overlooked. We shall examine the background to the Scandinavian ventures in foreign lands; the development of a unique art, technology, the conversion of the Scandinavians to Christianity, the economy and the founding of its first towns, and the formation of its kingdoms.

This intensive course considers Viking-Age Scandinavia as an interdisciplinary area study, with a focus on archaeology. It includes updates on recent discoveries and debates and comprises lectures and talks by leading Viking scholars, followed by discussions. Subjects include: society; gender; economy and culture; kings and fortresses; the expansion; towns and trade; ships and travel; village communities; rune-stones; weapons and warfare; craft, art and ornament; pagan religion, conversion and early Christianity.

The course also includes ’hands-on’ demonstrations of original artefacts from museum collections including tools, ornament, weapons and objects used in everyday life. Excursions will take participants to some of the most famous monuments of the Viking Age.


AA Agnes S. Arnórsdóttir, Lecturer, Cand.Mag., Institute of History and Area Studies, University of Aarhus.

AE Anton Englert, PhD, Museum Curator, the Viking Ship Museum, Roskilde.

AP Anne Pedersen, Senior Researcher, PhD, The National Museum, Copenhagen.

ER Else Roesdahl, Professor, Litt.D., FSA, FRHistS, Department of Medieval and Renaissance Archaeology, Institute of Anthropology, Archaeology and Linguistics, University of Aarhus.

JG James Graham-Campbell, Emeritus Professor, M.A., Ph.D., FBA, FSA, FRHistS, Institute of Archaeology, University College London.

JJ Jens Jeppesen, Museum Curator, Moesgaard Museum.

JS Jens Peter Schjødt, Professor, Dr.Phil., Department of the Study of Religion, University of Aarhus.

LK Lutz Klassen, Dr., Archaeologist Moesgård Museum.

MH Mads K. Holst, Assistant Professor, PhD, Department of Prehistoric Archaeology, Institute of Anthropology, Archaeology and Linguistics, University of Aarhus.

PBH Poul Baltzer Heide, PhD-student, Department of Medieval and Renaissance Archaeology, Institute of Anthropology, Archaeology and Linguistics, University of Aarhus.

PH Pernille Hermann, Assistant Professor, PhD, Department of Scandinavian Studies, University of Aarhus.

SC Sarah Croix, PhD-student, Department of Medieval and Renaissance Archaeology, Institute of Anthropology, Archaeology and Linguistics, University of Aarhus.

UP Unn Pedersen, Research Assistant, cand. philol. Department of Medieval and Renaissance Archaeology, Institute of Anthropology, Archaeology and Linguistics, University of Aarhus.

For further information and questions about the summer school, applications etc. please contact us at:

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