Curso en la universidad de Granada sobre GPR
9/1/07 .- Tharg
En los próximos días 24, 25 y 26 de enero de 2007 se celebrará un curso titulado: "Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): Fundamentals and Applications".
Sobre el mismo editamos la siguiente información:
University of Granada , Spain
January 24-26, 2007
Course Directors:
Prof. R. Gómez Martín, University of Granada (UGR), Spain
Prof. A. Rubio Bretones, University of Granada, Spain
Prof. Alexander G. Yarovoy, IRCT, TUDelft, The Netherlands
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): Fundamentals and Applications
University of Granada, Spain, January 24-26, 2007
Electromagnetism and Material Dept., Faculty of Sciences
University of Granada, Spain
Research Centre for Telecommunications-Transmission and Radar
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
ACE –Antenna Center of Excellence Network,TU Delft, Tohoku University (Japan) and the University of Granada
To provide up-to-date information on recent challenges in GPR technology and applications. Specific topics include Electromagnetic and GPR fundamentals, numerical simulations, subsurface imaging, as well as landmine, geophysical (hydrogeophysics, stratigraphic, and hydrocarbon exploration) and archaeological applications. The course is addressed to advanced (postgraduate) students, PhD students and GPR users with a technical background.
The course spans two full days (16 hours) and is organized as a series of four topics. Lecturers will be available during the two days for additional and/or individual discussions. A full description of the lectures with links and references can be found in the short course website.
Prof. Rafael Gómez Martín, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Prof. Amelia Rubio Bretones, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Prof. Alexander Yarovoy, IRCTR, TUDelft, the Netherlands
Prof. Evert Slob, Department of Geotechnology, TUDelft, the Netherlands
Prof. Motoyuki Sato, CNEAS, Tohoku University, Japan
Dr. Dean Goodman,, U.S.
Electromagnetic fundamentals of the GPR by Prof. R. Gómez Martín by A. Rubio Bretones: 3 hours
Basic electromagnetic theory: Maxwell’s equations and constitutive equations. Electromagnetic wave: propagation in lossy media, reflection and transmission at material interfaces. Electromagnetic properties of common GPR media. Introduction to GPR: Transmission of energy from the transmitter to the receiver. Resolution and penetration. Basic antennas. Survey design. Numerical simulation: Time-domain analysis. FDTD method, integral equation methods and hybrid methods. Examples of application.
GPR antennas and instrumentation by Prof. A. Yarovoy: 3 hours
Basic knowledge on different GPR designs (video impulse radar, stepped-frequency radar, noise and MLBS radars) and principles of their operation. Link between radar performance and major technical specifications of a GPR. Demands for GPR antennas, overview of GPR antennas used in practice (resistively loaded dipole, bow tie, TEM horn and spiral antenna), physical processes behind their operation and characterization of their performance.
Signal processing: velocity analysis, 3-D imaging, anomaly detection by Prof. M. Sato: 2 hours
GPR signal contains rich information, and in many cases, we can use the raw GPR profile to understand the subsurface condition. However, appropriate signal processing yields much easier understanding of the information. In this section, I introduce the following topics: vertical velocity analysis by CMP profiling and application to quantitative analysis for hydrogeology, migration processing for clutter reduction, and accurate location algorithm for buried pipes and other anomalies.
Advanced imaging, image validation, and upscaling of soil/rock properties. Prof. Evert Slob, 4 hours.
Fixed-offset and multi-offset imaging and inversion of single and multi-component data. Image model validation with simulated imaging or simulated inversion methods. Demands on GPR system and acquisition configuration. Examples from hydrogeophysics and stratigraphic GPR applications in sedimentology and hydrocarbon exploration. Overview of the role of small-scale physical properties on macroscopic properties, mixture rules for multi-phase, multi-component media.
Hydrogeological and archaeological applications by Prof. M. Sato: 2 hours
In this section, I introduce applications of GPR from our recent research topics. The first application is hydrogeology. Temporal variation of the ground water condition can be monitored by GPR, and it can be also used for hydraulic parameter estimation. The second application is archaeology. Non-destructive survey by GPR will provide rich information before excavation. However, careful design and interpretation is required. I will introduce archaeological survey examples from Sendai (Japan) and Luxor (Egypt).
Application of the commercial software GPR-Slice to Archeology by Dr. Dean Goodman: 2 hours ?For details about the software see
Dr. S. González García, Dr. M. Fernández Pantoja , Carlos Moreno de Jong van Coevorden, Rafael Gómez López
The regular registration fee is 300 €. This includes lectures notes, copies of slides and coffee breaks. Student grants and reduced rates (200 €) are available through University of Granada sponsoring. Please include documentation of your student status with your registration. Hotel accommodation at discount rates is also available. Please consult the short course website or email the organizers.
Salvador González García ( and Mario Fernández Pantoja (
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, E-18071, Granada Spain
Ph: +34 958 243224, Fax: +34-958-242353
Sobre el mismo editamos la siguiente información:
University of Granada , Spain
January 24-26, 2007
Course Directors:
Prof. R. Gómez Martín, University of Granada (UGR), Spain
Prof. A. Rubio Bretones, University of Granada, Spain
Prof. Alexander G. Yarovoy, IRCT, TUDelft, The Netherlands
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): Fundamentals and Applications
University of Granada, Spain, January 24-26, 2007
Electromagnetism and Material Dept., Faculty of Sciences
University of Granada, Spain
Research Centre for Telecommunications-Transmission and Radar
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
ACE –Antenna Center of Excellence Network,TU Delft, Tohoku University (Japan) and the University of Granada
To provide up-to-date information on recent challenges in GPR technology and applications. Specific topics include Electromagnetic and GPR fundamentals, numerical simulations, subsurface imaging, as well as landmine, geophysical (hydrogeophysics, stratigraphic, and hydrocarbon exploration) and archaeological applications. The course is addressed to advanced (postgraduate) students, PhD students and GPR users with a technical background.
The course spans two full days (16 hours) and is organized as a series of four topics. Lecturers will be available during the two days for additional and/or individual discussions. A full description of the lectures with links and references can be found in the short course website.
Prof. Rafael Gómez Martín, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Prof. Amelia Rubio Bretones, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Prof. Alexander Yarovoy, IRCTR, TUDelft, the Netherlands
Prof. Evert Slob, Department of Geotechnology, TUDelft, the Netherlands
Prof. Motoyuki Sato, CNEAS, Tohoku University, Japan
Dr. Dean Goodman,, U.S.
Electromagnetic fundamentals of the GPR by Prof. R. Gómez Martín by A. Rubio Bretones: 3 hours
Basic electromagnetic theory: Maxwell’s equations and constitutive equations. Electromagnetic wave: propagation in lossy media, reflection and transmission at material interfaces. Electromagnetic properties of common GPR media. Introduction to GPR: Transmission of energy from the transmitter to the receiver. Resolution and penetration. Basic antennas. Survey design. Numerical simulation: Time-domain analysis. FDTD method, integral equation methods and hybrid methods. Examples of application.
GPR antennas and instrumentation by Prof. A. Yarovoy: 3 hours
Basic knowledge on different GPR designs (video impulse radar, stepped-frequency radar, noise and MLBS radars) and principles of their operation. Link between radar performance and major technical specifications of a GPR. Demands for GPR antennas, overview of GPR antennas used in practice (resistively loaded dipole, bow tie, TEM horn and spiral antenna), physical processes behind their operation and characterization of their performance.
Signal processing: velocity analysis, 3-D imaging, anomaly detection by Prof. M. Sato: 2 hours
GPR signal contains rich information, and in many cases, we can use the raw GPR profile to understand the subsurface condition. However, appropriate signal processing yields much easier understanding of the information. In this section, I introduce the following topics: vertical velocity analysis by CMP profiling and application to quantitative analysis for hydrogeology, migration processing for clutter reduction, and accurate location algorithm for buried pipes and other anomalies.
Advanced imaging, image validation, and upscaling of soil/rock properties. Prof. Evert Slob, 4 hours.
Fixed-offset and multi-offset imaging and inversion of single and multi-component data. Image model validation with simulated imaging or simulated inversion methods. Demands on GPR system and acquisition configuration. Examples from hydrogeophysics and stratigraphic GPR applications in sedimentology and hydrocarbon exploration. Overview of the role of small-scale physical properties on macroscopic properties, mixture rules for multi-phase, multi-component media.
Hydrogeological and archaeological applications by Prof. M. Sato: 2 hours
In this section, I introduce applications of GPR from our recent research topics. The first application is hydrogeology. Temporal variation of the ground water condition can be monitored by GPR, and it can be also used for hydraulic parameter estimation. The second application is archaeology. Non-destructive survey by GPR will provide rich information before excavation. However, careful design and interpretation is required. I will introduce archaeological survey examples from Sendai (Japan) and Luxor (Egypt).
Application of the commercial software GPR-Slice to Archeology by Dr. Dean Goodman: 2 hours ?For details about the software see
Dr. S. González García, Dr. M. Fernández Pantoja , Carlos Moreno de Jong van Coevorden, Rafael Gómez López
The regular registration fee is 300 €. This includes lectures notes, copies of slides and coffee breaks. Student grants and reduced rates (200 €) are available through University of Granada sponsoring. Please include documentation of your student status with your registration. Hotel accommodation at discount rates is also available. Please consult the short course website or email the organizers.
Salvador González García ( and Mario Fernández Pantoja (
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, E-18071, Granada Spain
Ph: +34 958 243224, Fax: +34-958-242353
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