Last Call for application - Landscape Archaeology and Environmental Studies

18/1/14 .-

Last Call for application - Landscape Archaeology and Environmental Studies

*******INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL: Landscape Archaeology AND
Environmental Studies

*******ORGANIZERS: Duke University (USA)AND University of Siena (Italy)

*******May 25-June 20, 2014: Pontignano (May 25- June 1) and Vulci (June

ABOUT THE PROGRAM: The Duke Global Education Office for Undergraduates
(GEO) brings students the four-week summer Duke in Tuscany program.
Delivered through collaboration with the Duke departments of Classical
Studies, Computer Science, and Art, Art History & Visual Studies as well
as the Nicholas School of the Environment, this program in Italy
introduces students to the methods, research practices, and technologies
in landscape archaeology and environmental studies. Students pursue
laboratory research at the University of Siena/Pontignano and then do
fieldwork at the ancient site of Vulci. Integrating theory and practice,
the program aims to give students an understanding of the
interconnections between culture, landscape, technologies, and

ACADEMICS: Students take one course worth one Duke credit. The first
part of the course is a general overview on the methods and technologies
of landscape interpretation. This portion takes place over one week at
the University of Siena and incorporates lectures, lab sessions,
seminars, and working groups. The focus of the remaining three weeks is
fieldwork in the archaeological park of Vulci, a very famous Etruscan
town (1st millennium BCE), then Roman city.

ACTIVITIES: The program includes excursions to other Tuscan cities and
sites of archaeological, historical, and cultural significance, such as
Sorano, Cosa, and the Castle of Capalbio.

HOUSING: For the first week of the program, students stay at the Certosa
of Pontignano. While doing fieldwork at Vulci, they are housed at the
agriturismo Borgo S. Maria di Vulci. Both locations provide three meals
a day.

FINANCES: Program costs include Duke tuition and a program fee. Duke
students receiving financial aid may be eligible for aid and should
contact the Office of Financial Aid for details. Non-Duke students
should consult with their home institutions regarding financial aid.

APPLICATION PROCESS: The program is open to all majors and to applicants
from all accredited colleges and universities. Applications are
considered on a rolling basis with a final deadline of February 1.

An on-line application is available through the "MyGlobalEd" link
located on the GEO website:[1]

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