Session 'Outlands and outland use – in the past, the present and the future' September 201
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Session 'Outlands and outland use – in the past, the present and the future' Istambul, September 2014
Information regarding a session on the 20th Annual meeting of the
European Association of Archaeologist (EAA) to be held in Istanbul in
September 2014. The session will focus on the archaeological investigation
of the Outlands (mountain areas, pasture, forest, etc.) and management
proposals to be implemented from their knowledge.
We invite submissions to the session. You can find relevant information on
the official website of the Congress:
T05S004 Outlands and outland use – in the past, the present and the future
Eva Svensson, Professor. Environmental Science, Karlstad University,
SE-65188 Karlstad (SWEDEN).
Rainer Schreg, Dr Phil. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum,
Ernst-Ludwig-Platz 2, D-55116 Mainz (GERMANY).
Margarita Fernández Mier, Department of History, University of Leon, 24071
Leon, (SPAIN).
Increased urban growth and depletion of rural areas, especially outlying or
so called marginal areas, are major processes in European societies today.
These processes have shaped our conception of outlying areas in the past.
Outlying areas have therefore been of marginal importance in the
archaeology of the past. But, when investigated, outlying areas have often
turned out to be arenas for a variety of human strategies, and of great
importance as harbors of resources and ecosystem services. Outlands were
vital both for the subsistence of local communities and for mercantile
networks on different levels in Europe as commodity producers. Today,
people in outlying areas are fighting for a sustainable future, using the
past as a major resource. In this session we focus on the dynamics of past
outland use, the problems of today and the possibilities of the future. We
would like to combine strategic papers dealing with applied archaeology as
well as comparative case studies characterizing past outland ecosystems.
Useful inspiration for papers in this session can be found in some of the
challenges emphasized in the coming Horizon 2020 call; health and
well-being, food-security, environment and resource efficiency and Europe
in a changing world.
More information
Margarita Fernández Mier
Departamento de Historia Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de León Campus de Vegazana s/n 24071 León
Telf: 987291000 Ext5592/ Fax: 987291412
Information regarding a session on the 20th Annual meeting of the
European Association of Archaeologist (EAA) to be held in Istanbul in
September 2014. The session will focus on the archaeological investigation
of the Outlands (mountain areas, pasture, forest, etc.) and management
proposals to be implemented from their knowledge.
We invite submissions to the session. You can find relevant information on
the official website of the Congress:
T05S004 Outlands and outland use – in the past, the present and the future
Eva Svensson, Professor. Environmental Science, Karlstad University,
SE-65188 Karlstad (SWEDEN).
Rainer Schreg, Dr Phil. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum,
Ernst-Ludwig-Platz 2, D-55116 Mainz (GERMANY).
Margarita Fernández Mier, Department of History, University of Leon, 24071
Leon, (SPAIN).
Increased urban growth and depletion of rural areas, especially outlying or
so called marginal areas, are major processes in European societies today.
These processes have shaped our conception of outlying areas in the past.
Outlying areas have therefore been of marginal importance in the
archaeology of the past. But, when investigated, outlying areas have often
turned out to be arenas for a variety of human strategies, and of great
importance as harbors of resources and ecosystem services. Outlands were
vital both for the subsistence of local communities and for mercantile
networks on different levels in Europe as commodity producers. Today,
people in outlying areas are fighting for a sustainable future, using the
past as a major resource. In this session we focus on the dynamics of past
outland use, the problems of today and the possibilities of the future. We
would like to combine strategic papers dealing with applied archaeology as
well as comparative case studies characterizing past outland ecosystems.
Useful inspiration for papers in this session can be found in some of the
challenges emphasized in the coming Horizon 2020 call; health and
well-being, food-security, environment and resource efficiency and Europe
in a changing world.
More information
Margarita Fernández Mier
Departamento de Historia Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de León Campus de Vegazana s/n 24071 León
Telf: 987291000 Ext5592/ Fax: 987291412
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