Call for paper: Insights from innovation: new light on archaeological ceramics’
16/6/12 .-
The call for papers is open until 10th July and our conference website is now live
The Southampton Ceramics Research Group is proud to announce that the conference ‘Insights from innovation: new light on archaeological ceramics’ will be held at the University of Southampton, UK, on 19-20 October 2012.
The event is held in recognition of pioneering contributions to the field by Professor David Peacock. It is supported by the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group, the Study Group for Roman Pottery, and the Medieval Pottery Research Group.
We are seeking papers and posters from specialists of recent, innovative approaches to archaeological ceramics of any period and region to join our confirmed keynote speakers Dr Roberta Tomber, Prof. Simon Keay and Prof. Michael Fulford. Themes which we hope to address include (but are not limited to):
Applications of recent scientific analytical techniques to archaeological ceramics
Theoretical and ethnographic perspectives
Interdisciplinary work involving ceramics
Computing applications
Abstracts for papers should be no longer than 250 words and submitted to Dr Ben Jervis ( and be submitted by 10th July 2012. Abstracts for posters should be no longer than 100 words and submitted by the same date. If you would like to discuss a contribution prior to submitting an abstract please contact Ben.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in Southampton in October!
Confirmed speakers include:
Professor Michael Fulford, University of Reading
Dr Roberta Tomber, British Museum
Professor Simon Keay, University of Southampton
Professor Michael Tite, University of Oxford
Dr Alistair Barclay, Wessex Archaeology
Helen Marton, University College Falmouth
Dr Moira Wilson, University of Manchester
…and representatives of the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group, the Study Group for Roman Pottery, and the Medieval Pottery Research Group.
The Southampton Ceramics Research Group is proud to announce that the conference ‘Insights from innovation: new light on archaeological ceramics’ will be held at the University of Southampton, UK, on 19-20 October 2012.
The event is held in recognition of pioneering contributions to the field by Professor David Peacock. It is supported by the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group, the Study Group for Roman Pottery, and the Medieval Pottery Research Group.
We are seeking papers and posters from specialists of recent, innovative approaches to archaeological ceramics of any period and region to join our confirmed keynote speakers Dr Roberta Tomber, Prof. Simon Keay and Prof. Michael Fulford. Themes which we hope to address include (but are not limited to):
Applications of recent scientific analytical techniques to archaeological ceramics
Theoretical and ethnographic perspectives
Interdisciplinary work involving ceramics
Computing applications
Abstracts for papers should be no longer than 250 words and submitted to Dr Ben Jervis ( and be submitted by 10th July 2012. Abstracts for posters should be no longer than 100 words and submitted by the same date. If you would like to discuss a contribution prior to submitting an abstract please contact Ben.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in Southampton in October!
Confirmed speakers include:
Professor Michael Fulford, University of Reading
Dr Roberta Tomber, British Museum
Professor Simon Keay, University of Southampton
Professor Michael Tite, University of Oxford
Dr Alistair Barclay, Wessex Archaeology
Helen Marton, University College Falmouth
Dr Moira Wilson, University of Manchester
…and representatives of the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group, the Study Group for Roman Pottery, and the Medieval Pottery Research Group.
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