International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO) Annual Conference (Spain)
3/8/09 .-
International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO)
Annual Conference
Madrid-Almadén, Spain
1 – 14 July 2010 (Scientific Sessions 5-10 July 2010)
“History of Research in Mineral Resources”
Dear colleagues,
Historians of geology from Spain are pleased to invite all interested researchers to attend and take an active part in the INHIGEO Conference in Madrid-Almadén scheduled for 5-10 July 2010. This meeting will be supported by the Spanish Society for the Preservation of the Geological and Mining Heritage (SEDPGYM), the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), the Madrid School of Mines (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and the Polytechnical School of Almadén (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).
All researchers interested in presenting oral communications or posters are invited to send their proposal to the Organizing Committee before 30 April 2010. The conference language will be English
The conference web page is:
It is known that mining activities are older than agricultural and pastoral ones. Since ancient times, man has needed mineral resources to survive, and this is when mineral prospecting and exploration appears. Thus research into minerals has accompanied the development of nations.
The ancient merchants and then the great empires satisfied their mineral needs from distant places. For example, the Phoenicians extracted silver from Tartesos (SW Europe) and the Romans mined tin from the Casiterides Islands (W Europe).
With the rise of land communications, geological, mining and metallurgical news spread quickly. Likewise, when navigation and commerce increased worldwide, the Portuguese explored for gold in Africa and the Spanish extracted silver in the Americas. However, not until the first Industrial Revolution was there was a major increase in mineral consumption. The resulting demand for iron, coal and other minerals stimulated the birth of geology as a science. With the second Industrial Revolution, steel production expanded together with the consumption of new mineral substances. A remarkable turning point was the discovery of petroleum in Pennsylvania in the mid 19th century and its rapid industrial applications. Over the 20th century a dramatic increase in knowledge of mineral deposits and in the sophistication of mineral exploration techniques has continued to occur.
Suggested Symposia Topics
* History of the research and exploitation of the metallic ores.
* History of energy resources (coal, petroleum, uranium…).
* History of the research and exploitation of non metallic and industrial minerals.
* History of the research into ground water as a mineral resource
(mineral waters, groundwater…).
* History of the mineral exploration techniques.
* Related topics
Madrid and Almadén are most appropriate sites to hold the 2010 INHIGEO Conference.
Madrid has long been the principal city of historical scientific knowledge in the Spanish nation, and mining activity at Almadén dates back more than 2200 years old. The first School of Mines in Spain was opened in 1777 in Almadén, later being relocated to Madrid in 1835.
Scientific Sessions (Monday, July 5th-Saturday July 10th, 2010)
a) Madrid-base activities
* Monday 5 July 2010: Reception at the Madrid School of Mines. Welcome and opening Ceremony. Keynote address: Dr. Antonio Arribas Rosado (Newmont, Denver, USA): “Volcanoes vs. Gold Deposits. A Century Lost in Translation”. Oral communications (morning/evening). Visit to the Geominero Museum (Geological Survey of Spain) and Mining History Museum D. Felipe de Borbón y Grecia (Madrid School of Mines). Poster session.
* Tuesday 6 July 2010. Keynote Address: Prof. Manuel Carlos Serrano Pinto (Aveiro University): “Geology and Mineral Resources in Portugal, a Recent Marriage”. Oral communications (morning/evening). Visit to historic Madrid.
b) Almadén-base activities
* Wednesday 7 July 2010. Travel bus to Almadén. Visit to the volcanic region of Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real). Oral communications (evening). Visit to the historical mining museum “Francisco Pablo Holgado” of Almadén and jail of ”Forzados”.
* Thursday 8 July 2010. Keynote Address: Dr. Pablo Higueras Higueras (Castilla La Mancha University): “Industrial minerals and rocks: The Spanish perspective”. Oral communications (morning). INHIGEO General Assembly. Visit to the Almadén Mining Park.
c) Iberian Pyritic Belt-base activities
*Friday 9 July 2010. Travel by bus to the Iberian Pyritic Belt (Sevilla-Huelva). Visit to Mosque of Córdoba, UNESCO World Heritage. Visit to Las Cruces mine (poly metallic sulfides). Lodging in Aracena (Huelva). Conference dinner.
*Saturday 10 July 2010. Visit to the Mining Park of Riotinto (Huelva). Return to Madrid in AVE (high speed train).
Optional field trips
In addition to the scientific sessions two optional field trips are offered.
*Pre-Meeting Trip (1-3 July 2010): Optional field trip to Eastern Andalusia. Visit to the Linares Mining District (Jaén) (Pb-Cu) and the volcanic region of Cabo de Gata (Almería) (Au). Possible visit to La Alhambra (Granada), UNESCO World Heritage.
*Post-Meeting Trip (12-14 July 2010): Optional field trip to the Iberian Range. Visit the iron ore resources of Somaén and aragonites deposits of Velilla de Medinaceli (Soria), and Medinaceli village. Visit to the ichnites of La Rioja, the pyrite mine of Navajún (La Rioja), the fossil trees of Hacinas (Burgos), the Silos monastery (Burgos) and Burgo de Osma village (Soria).
The registration fee for the Meeting (Scientific Sessions: 5-10 July 2010) is: 350,00 euros. It includes the book of abstracts, bus travel Madrid-Almadén-Iberian Pyritic Belt, and train travel Sevilla-Madrid, lodging in Aracena (Huelva), lunch meals, coffee breaks, and visits (Madrid, Almadén Mining Park, Mosque of Córdoba, Riotinto Mining Park).
Some activities (pre-meeting and post-meeting field trips and the conference dinner) are not included in the meeting fee. Details of these costs will be provided in the Second Circular.
A volume of conference papers will be published by the Geological Survey of Spain.
Block reservations for participants and accompanying guests will be made at special rates in some hotels and hostels of different categories with easy access to the conference venues. Reservations should be made directly to the hotel which will be provided on the conference website.
Accompanying persons
There will be a special program of accompanying persons, fee: 250,00 euros.
Essential Dates
First Circular response deadline: 30 October 2009.
Second Circular: December 2009.
Registration deadline: 30 April 2010.
Abstract deadline: 30 April 2010.
Final submission of manuscripts for publication: 15 September 2010.
Field guides
* Volcanic region of Campo Calatrava: Pablo Higueras Higueras (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).
* Mining district of Almadén: Luis Mansilla Plaza (Universidad de Castilla-La
* Spanish Pyritic Belt: Domingo Javier Carvajal Gómez (Universidad de Huelva).
* Mining District of Linares: José Dueñas Molina (Universidad de Jaén).
* Volcanic region of Cabo de Gata: Antonio Arribas Rosado (Newmont, Denver, USA)
* Ichnices Iberian Range: Félix Pérez Lorente (Scientific Director of the “La Rioja Palaeontological Heritage Foundation).
* Mines of Iberian Range: Josep María Mata Perelló (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña).
Organizing Committee
*Octavio Puche Riart (Madrid School of Mines, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).
*Luis Felipe Mazadiego Martínez (Madrid School of Mines, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).
*Isabel Rábano Gutiérrez del Arroyo (Geological Survey of Spain, IGME).
*Luis Mansilla Plaza (EUPA, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).
*Enrique Orche García (Vigo School of Mines, Universidad de Vigo).
*Josep María Mata Perelló (EUPM, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña).
*Mariano Ayarzagüena Sanz (Spanish Society for the Preservation of the Geological and Mining Heritage, SEDPGYM).
José Eugenio Ortiz Menéndez.
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
C/ Ríos Rosas, 21
Telephone: 34-91-3366970.
FAX: 34-91-3366977.
We look forward to seeing you in Spain.
Please circulate this announcement among interested colleagues.
Questionnaire for Spanish INHIGEO Meeting, 2010
If you are interested in attending this conference, please complete the following questionnaire, sign it, and send it to the LOC, Madrid. You will receive a second circular with more details by December 2009.
Conference Secretary
José Eugenio Ortiz Menéndez (Madrid School of Mines, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETS de Ingenieros de Minas).
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas.
C/ Ríos Rosas, 21
Telephone: 34-91-3366970.
Family Name…………………………………….Title…………………………..
First Name………………………………………………………………………..
City, ZIP………………………………………..Country………………………...
I will attended the meeting ○ Yes ○ Probably.
Number of accompanying persons……………………………………………….
I intend to give ○ Oral presentation ○ Poster
Symposia topic(s)…………………………………………….
With the preliminary title ……………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………........
Possibly I am interested in the field excursions: ○ Pre-meeting ○ Post-meeting
……………………... ………………………….
Date Signature
International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO)
Annual Conference
Madrid-Almadén, Spain
1 – 14 July 2010 (Scientific Sessions 5-10 July 2010)
“History of Research in Mineral Resources”
Dear colleagues,
Historians of geology from Spain are pleased to invite all interested researchers to attend and take an active part in the INHIGEO Conference in Madrid-Almadén scheduled for 5-10 July 2010. This meeting will be supported by the Spanish Society for the Preservation of the Geological and Mining Heritage (SEDPGYM), the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), the Madrid School of Mines (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and the Polytechnical School of Almadén (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).
All researchers interested in presenting oral communications or posters are invited to send their proposal to the Organizing Committee before 30 April 2010. The conference language will be English
The conference web page is:
It is known that mining activities are older than agricultural and pastoral ones. Since ancient times, man has needed mineral resources to survive, and this is when mineral prospecting and exploration appears. Thus research into minerals has accompanied the development of nations.
The ancient merchants and then the great empires satisfied their mineral needs from distant places. For example, the Phoenicians extracted silver from Tartesos (SW Europe) and the Romans mined tin from the Casiterides Islands (W Europe).
With the rise of land communications, geological, mining and metallurgical news spread quickly. Likewise, when navigation and commerce increased worldwide, the Portuguese explored for gold in Africa and the Spanish extracted silver in the Americas. However, not until the first Industrial Revolution was there was a major increase in mineral consumption. The resulting demand for iron, coal and other minerals stimulated the birth of geology as a science. With the second Industrial Revolution, steel production expanded together with the consumption of new mineral substances. A remarkable turning point was the discovery of petroleum in Pennsylvania in the mid 19th century and its rapid industrial applications. Over the 20th century a dramatic increase in knowledge of mineral deposits and in the sophistication of mineral exploration techniques has continued to occur.
Suggested Symposia Topics
* History of the research and exploitation of the metallic ores.
* History of energy resources (coal, petroleum, uranium…).
* History of the research and exploitation of non metallic and industrial minerals.
* History of the research into ground water as a mineral resource
(mineral waters, groundwater…).
* History of the mineral exploration techniques.
* Related topics
Madrid and Almadén are most appropriate sites to hold the 2010 INHIGEO Conference.
Madrid has long been the principal city of historical scientific knowledge in the Spanish nation, and mining activity at Almadén dates back more than 2200 years old. The first School of Mines in Spain was opened in 1777 in Almadén, later being relocated to Madrid in 1835.
Scientific Sessions (Monday, July 5th-Saturday July 10th, 2010)
a) Madrid-base activities
* Monday 5 July 2010: Reception at the Madrid School of Mines. Welcome and opening Ceremony. Keynote address: Dr. Antonio Arribas Rosado (Newmont, Denver, USA): “Volcanoes vs. Gold Deposits. A Century Lost in Translation”. Oral communications (morning/evening). Visit to the Geominero Museum (Geological Survey of Spain) and Mining History Museum D. Felipe de Borbón y Grecia (Madrid School of Mines). Poster session.
* Tuesday 6 July 2010. Keynote Address: Prof. Manuel Carlos Serrano Pinto (Aveiro University): “Geology and Mineral Resources in Portugal, a Recent Marriage”. Oral communications (morning/evening). Visit to historic Madrid.
b) Almadén-base activities
* Wednesday 7 July 2010. Travel bus to Almadén. Visit to the volcanic region of Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real). Oral communications (evening). Visit to the historical mining museum “Francisco Pablo Holgado” of Almadén and jail of ”Forzados”.
* Thursday 8 July 2010. Keynote Address: Dr. Pablo Higueras Higueras (Castilla La Mancha University): “Industrial minerals and rocks: The Spanish perspective”. Oral communications (morning). INHIGEO General Assembly. Visit to the Almadén Mining Park.
c) Iberian Pyritic Belt-base activities
*Friday 9 July 2010. Travel by bus to the Iberian Pyritic Belt (Sevilla-Huelva). Visit to Mosque of Córdoba, UNESCO World Heritage. Visit to Las Cruces mine (poly metallic sulfides). Lodging in Aracena (Huelva). Conference dinner.
*Saturday 10 July 2010. Visit to the Mining Park of Riotinto (Huelva). Return to Madrid in AVE (high speed train).
Optional field trips
In addition to the scientific sessions two optional field trips are offered.
*Pre-Meeting Trip (1-3 July 2010): Optional field trip to Eastern Andalusia. Visit to the Linares Mining District (Jaén) (Pb-Cu) and the volcanic region of Cabo de Gata (Almería) (Au). Possible visit to La Alhambra (Granada), UNESCO World Heritage.
*Post-Meeting Trip (12-14 July 2010): Optional field trip to the Iberian Range. Visit the iron ore resources of Somaén and aragonites deposits of Velilla de Medinaceli (Soria), and Medinaceli village. Visit to the ichnites of La Rioja, the pyrite mine of Navajún (La Rioja), the fossil trees of Hacinas (Burgos), the Silos monastery (Burgos) and Burgo de Osma village (Soria).
The registration fee for the Meeting (Scientific Sessions: 5-10 July 2010) is: 350,00 euros. It includes the book of abstracts, bus travel Madrid-Almadén-Iberian Pyritic Belt, and train travel Sevilla-Madrid, lodging in Aracena (Huelva), lunch meals, coffee breaks, and visits (Madrid, Almadén Mining Park, Mosque of Córdoba, Riotinto Mining Park).
Some activities (pre-meeting and post-meeting field trips and the conference dinner) are not included in the meeting fee. Details of these costs will be provided in the Second Circular.
A volume of conference papers will be published by the Geological Survey of Spain.
Block reservations for participants and accompanying guests will be made at special rates in some hotels and hostels of different categories with easy access to the conference venues. Reservations should be made directly to the hotel which will be provided on the conference website.
Accompanying persons
There will be a special program of accompanying persons, fee: 250,00 euros.
Essential Dates
First Circular response deadline: 30 October 2009.
Second Circular: December 2009.
Registration deadline: 30 April 2010.
Abstract deadline: 30 April 2010.
Final submission of manuscripts for publication: 15 September 2010.
Field guides
* Volcanic region of Campo Calatrava: Pablo Higueras Higueras (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).
* Mining district of Almadén: Luis Mansilla Plaza (Universidad de Castilla-La
* Spanish Pyritic Belt: Domingo Javier Carvajal Gómez (Universidad de Huelva).
* Mining District of Linares: José Dueñas Molina (Universidad de Jaén).
* Volcanic region of Cabo de Gata: Antonio Arribas Rosado (Newmont, Denver, USA)
* Ichnices Iberian Range: Félix Pérez Lorente (Scientific Director of the “La Rioja Palaeontological Heritage Foundation).
* Mines of Iberian Range: Josep María Mata Perelló (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña).
Organizing Committee
*Octavio Puche Riart (Madrid School of Mines, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).
*Luis Felipe Mazadiego Martínez (Madrid School of Mines, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).
*Isabel Rábano Gutiérrez del Arroyo (Geological Survey of Spain, IGME).
*Luis Mansilla Plaza (EUPA, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).
*Enrique Orche García (Vigo School of Mines, Universidad de Vigo).
*Josep María Mata Perelló (EUPM, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña).
*Mariano Ayarzagüena Sanz (Spanish Society for the Preservation of the Geological and Mining Heritage, SEDPGYM).
José Eugenio Ortiz Menéndez.
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
C/ Ríos Rosas, 21
Telephone: 34-91-3366970.
FAX: 34-91-3366977.
We look forward to seeing you in Spain.
Please circulate this announcement among interested colleagues.
Questionnaire for Spanish INHIGEO Meeting, 2010
If you are interested in attending this conference, please complete the following questionnaire, sign it, and send it to the LOC, Madrid. You will receive a second circular with more details by December 2009.
Conference Secretary
José Eugenio Ortiz Menéndez (Madrid School of Mines, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETS de Ingenieros de Minas).
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas.
C/ Ríos Rosas, 21
Telephone: 34-91-3366970.
Family Name…………………………………….Title…………………………..
First Name………………………………………………………………………..
City, ZIP………………………………………..Country………………………...
I will attended the meeting ○ Yes ○ Probably.
Number of accompanying persons……………………………………………….
I intend to give ○ Oral presentation ○ Poster
Symposia topic(s)…………………………………………….
With the preliminary title ……………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………........
Possibly I am interested in the field excursions: ○ Pre-meeting ○ Post-meeting
……………………... ………………………….
Date Signature
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