OFERTA DE TRABAJO en "The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Natural Philosophy"
24/10/07 .- medievalismo.org
OFERTA DE TRABAJO: The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Natural Philosophy has currently two PhD positions available
2 Junior Researchers (PhD positions) (1,0 fte)
Maximum salary: € 1.956,- gross/month
Vacancynumber: 26.02.07
Closing date: 15-11-2007
Job Description
The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Natural Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy
at Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands) seeks two outstanding junior
researchers for two projects in the history of philosophy and science. Applicants are
invited to submit a project proposal (max. 2000 words plus bibliography), which
should attempt to fit into the overall programme of the Center. Two types of proposal
will receive preferential treatment: either (1) an elaboration of one of the three
specific projects mentioned below (Sennert; Averroes; Hobbes); or (2) a proposal
related to one or more of the following areas:
*Theories of matter and motion in medieval and early modern philosophy and
*The visualization of theories, analogical reasoning, and model formation in
early modern philosophy and the sciences (for more information, see
*Philosophical psychology in late Aristotelianism and early modern thought
(see www.ru.nl/filosofie/geschiedenis/research/form_of_the_body_or).
The junior position will involve the writing of a doctoral (PhD) dissertation,
participation in the activities of the Center and (in some cases) teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy.
As mentioned, there are three specific projects for which there exist particular
interest at the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Natural Philosophy:
1. The Evolution of Daniel Sennert’s Epitome Scientiae Naturalis – A Case Study of the Last Bloom and Subsequent Implosion of Aristotelian Natural Philosophy. – The Wittenberg professor of medicine and philosophy Daniel Sennert (1573-
1637) is famous for his novel synthesis of medicine and natural philosophy,
chemistry, and atomism, which exerted a notable influence on the evolution
of matter theory and of chemistry in the later seventeenth century, notably in
the theoretical works of the chemist Robert Boyle and in the matter theory of
such thinkers as G.W. Leibniz. Sennert’s thoughts developed from an initially
firm adherence to Aristotle’s natural philosophy to a sceptical rejection of it,
which was based in parts on the evidence of chemical operations and in parts
on his evolving philosophical and theological views. The trajectory of his
thoughts is neither well understood nor well studied. This project will trace in
detail the evolution of Sennert’s thought across the four editions of his
Epitome scientiae naturalis; it will link the changes that are evident between them
to Sennert’s other works in chemistry and medicine, to his empirical
activities, and to the literature he cites; and it will attempt to cast Sennert’s
dilemma between upholding a philosophical system of science and explaining
the contrasting evidence of his empirical activity in the wider framework of
the scientific revolution.
2. The Medieval and Renaissance Tradition of Commentaries on Averroes’ De substantia orbis – Averroes’ small treatise De substantia orbis was extremely popular
throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Influential authors such as
John of Jandun, Walter Burley, Moses of Narbonne, Agostino Nifo, Pietro
Pomponazzi and Elia del Medigo wrote commentaries on it. This project will
study the medieval and Renaissance tradition of commentaries on the De
substantia orbis (in Latin and also in Hebrew, depending on the candidate’s
language skills). Issues to be addressed concern cosmology (the hylomorphic
structure of the universe), physics (the nature of celestial matter and form in
relation to their terrestrial counterparts), and psychology (the interaction of
body and soul in heavenly bodies in comparison to that in earthly, specifically
human, bodies). The project aims at making a major contribution in writing
the history of medieval and Renaissance ‘Averroism’.
3. Galilean Science Contested: The Discussion between Thomas Hobbes and Thomas White. – This project concentrates on Thomas Hobbes’ De Motu (formerly known as Anti-White). In this manuscript, written in 1642-1643, Thomas Hobbes reacts to the book De Mundo by the English Catholic priest Thomas White, which criticizes Galileo’s work from an Aristotelian point of view. Hobbes not only defends Galileo’s science, but also presents large parts of his own natural philosophy to the members of Father Marin Mersenne’s philosophical circle.
A new, critical edition of the manuscript is currently being prepared by Cees
Leijenhorst (Nijmegen). The successful candidate will not only help preparing
this edition, but is also expected to write a critical study of the discussion
between Hobbes and White. Scholars have until now looked at this text only
from the perspective of the evolution of Hobbes’ natural philosophy, which
culminated in De Corpore of 1655. By contrast, the parameters of the
discussion itself and the philosophical factors involved in the reception of
Galilean science in England in the mid-17th century are but little understood.
Candidates interested in one of these three projects are invited to write a more
detailed description (max. 2000 words plus bibliography).
Candidates should possess an MA (or equivalent) in the history of philosophy or
science (medieval and/or early modern), and be able to read Latin and English (and preferably French, Italian and German). For project 2 basic skills in Latin
palaeography are required. Knowledge of Dutch is no prerequisite.
The Faculty of Philosophy at Radboud University Nijmegen carries out teaching and research in all domains of philosophy. Ca. 300 full-time students and 55 teachers and researchers are attached to it. The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Natural Philosophy constitutes the Faculty’s history of philosophy section. Its internationally renowned speciality is its combination of the history of philosophy with the history of science. As the titles of the journal Early Science and Medicine (Brill) and of the book series Medieval and Early Modern Science (Brill), edited by the Center, both indicate, the focus of research of the Center lies in the period 1200-1800, although the teaching activities carried out by members of the Center cover the entire history of philosophy and science from antiquity to the present.
Conditions of Empoyment
Maximum employment: 1.0 fte
Maximum salary per month, based on fulltime employment: € 1.956,-
Salary scale: P
Additional conditions of employment
Preferably beginning on February 1st 2008.
Other information
Contract duration 1 year, with possibility of further 2 ½ years (without teaching
duties) or 3 years (with teaching duties).
Additional information
Dr. Paul J.J.M. Bakker
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Natural Philosophy
Faculty of Philosophy
Radboud University Nijmegen
P.O. Box 9103
6500 HD Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31.24.3612756
E-mail: pbakker@phil.ru.nl
You can apply for the job (mention the vacancynumber 26.02.07) before 15-11-
2007 by sending your application to:
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen,
Dienst P en O, afdeling PMO
P.O. Box 7005
6503 GM Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31.24.3611915
E-mail: vacatures@dpo.ru.nl
2 Junior Researchers (PhD positions) (1,0 fte)
Maximum salary: € 1.956,- gross/month
Vacancynumber: 26.02.07
Closing date: 15-11-2007
Job Description
The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Natural Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy
at Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands) seeks two outstanding junior
researchers for two projects in the history of philosophy and science. Applicants are
invited to submit a project proposal (max. 2000 words plus bibliography), which
should attempt to fit into the overall programme of the Center. Two types of proposal
will receive preferential treatment: either (1) an elaboration of one of the three
specific projects mentioned below (Sennert; Averroes; Hobbes); or (2) a proposal
related to one or more of the following areas:
*Theories of matter and motion in medieval and early modern philosophy and
*The visualization of theories, analogical reasoning, and model formation in
early modern philosophy and the sciences (for more information, see
*Philosophical psychology in late Aristotelianism and early modern thought
(see www.ru.nl/filosofie/geschiedenis/research/form_of_the_body_or).
The junior position will involve the writing of a doctoral (PhD) dissertation,
participation in the activities of the Center and (in some cases) teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy.
As mentioned, there are three specific projects for which there exist particular
interest at the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Natural Philosophy:
1. The Evolution of Daniel Sennert’s Epitome Scientiae Naturalis – A Case Study of the Last Bloom and Subsequent Implosion of Aristotelian Natural Philosophy. – The Wittenberg professor of medicine and philosophy Daniel Sennert (1573-
1637) is famous for his novel synthesis of medicine and natural philosophy,
chemistry, and atomism, which exerted a notable influence on the evolution
of matter theory and of chemistry in the later seventeenth century, notably in
the theoretical works of the chemist Robert Boyle and in the matter theory of
such thinkers as G.W. Leibniz. Sennert’s thoughts developed from an initially
firm adherence to Aristotle’s natural philosophy to a sceptical rejection of it,
which was based in parts on the evidence of chemical operations and in parts
on his evolving philosophical and theological views. The trajectory of his
thoughts is neither well understood nor well studied. This project will trace in
detail the evolution of Sennert’s thought across the four editions of his
Epitome scientiae naturalis; it will link the changes that are evident between them
to Sennert’s other works in chemistry and medicine, to his empirical
activities, and to the literature he cites; and it will attempt to cast Sennert’s
dilemma between upholding a philosophical system of science and explaining
the contrasting evidence of his empirical activity in the wider framework of
the scientific revolution.
2. The Medieval and Renaissance Tradition of Commentaries on Averroes’ De substantia orbis – Averroes’ small treatise De substantia orbis was extremely popular
throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Influential authors such as
John of Jandun, Walter Burley, Moses of Narbonne, Agostino Nifo, Pietro
Pomponazzi and Elia del Medigo wrote commentaries on it. This project will
study the medieval and Renaissance tradition of commentaries on the De
substantia orbis (in Latin and also in Hebrew, depending on the candidate’s
language skills). Issues to be addressed concern cosmology (the hylomorphic
structure of the universe), physics (the nature of celestial matter and form in
relation to their terrestrial counterparts), and psychology (the interaction of
body and soul in heavenly bodies in comparison to that in earthly, specifically
human, bodies). The project aims at making a major contribution in writing
the history of medieval and Renaissance ‘Averroism’.
3. Galilean Science Contested: The Discussion between Thomas Hobbes and Thomas White. – This project concentrates on Thomas Hobbes’ De Motu (formerly known as Anti-White). In this manuscript, written in 1642-1643, Thomas Hobbes reacts to the book De Mundo by the English Catholic priest Thomas White, which criticizes Galileo’s work from an Aristotelian point of view. Hobbes not only defends Galileo’s science, but also presents large parts of his own natural philosophy to the members of Father Marin Mersenne’s philosophical circle.
A new, critical edition of the manuscript is currently being prepared by Cees
Leijenhorst (Nijmegen). The successful candidate will not only help preparing
this edition, but is also expected to write a critical study of the discussion
between Hobbes and White. Scholars have until now looked at this text only
from the perspective of the evolution of Hobbes’ natural philosophy, which
culminated in De Corpore of 1655. By contrast, the parameters of the
discussion itself and the philosophical factors involved in the reception of
Galilean science in England in the mid-17th century are but little understood.
Candidates interested in one of these three projects are invited to write a more
detailed description (max. 2000 words plus bibliography).
Candidates should possess an MA (or equivalent) in the history of philosophy or
science (medieval and/or early modern), and be able to read Latin and English (and preferably French, Italian and German). For project 2 basic skills in Latin
palaeography are required. Knowledge of Dutch is no prerequisite.
The Faculty of Philosophy at Radboud University Nijmegen carries out teaching and research in all domains of philosophy. Ca. 300 full-time students and 55 teachers and researchers are attached to it. The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Natural Philosophy constitutes the Faculty’s history of philosophy section. Its internationally renowned speciality is its combination of the history of philosophy with the history of science. As the titles of the journal Early Science and Medicine (Brill) and of the book series Medieval and Early Modern Science (Brill), edited by the Center, both indicate, the focus of research of the Center lies in the period 1200-1800, although the teaching activities carried out by members of the Center cover the entire history of philosophy and science from antiquity to the present.
Conditions of Empoyment
Maximum employment: 1.0 fte
Maximum salary per month, based on fulltime employment: € 1.956,-
Salary scale: P
Additional conditions of employment
Preferably beginning on February 1st 2008.
Other information
Contract duration 1 year, with possibility of further 2 ½ years (without teaching
duties) or 3 years (with teaching duties).
Additional information
Dr. Paul J.J.M. Bakker
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Natural Philosophy
Faculty of Philosophy
Radboud University Nijmegen
P.O. Box 9103
6500 HD Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31.24.3612756
E-mail: pbakker@phil.ru.nl
You can apply for the job (mention the vacancynumber 26.02.07) before 15-11-
2007 by sending your application to:
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen,
Dienst P en O, afdeling PMO
P.O. Box 7005
6503 GM Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31.24.3611915
E-mail: vacatures@dpo.ru.nl
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