New Light on Archaeological Ceramics Conference Southampton 19th-21st October

18/9/12 .-

The conference 'Insights through Innovation: New light on archaeological ceramics' will take place at The University of Southampton on 19th-21st October. It is being held in honour of Professor David Peacock.

This conference brings together specialists who explore applications of recent techniques and new perspectives to archaeological ceramics. Some such approaches may be in their infancy, while others have reached a more mature stage. Either way, the conference offers a forum in which their impact on the study of archaeological ceramics can be assessed and debated, and from which our field may evolve through cross-fertilization of ideas and methods.

Our confirmed speakers represent perspectives ranging from contemporary ceramic art to cutting-edge scientific techniques. The event also features a joint paper presented by the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group, the Study Group for Roman Pottery, and the Medieval Pottery Research Group.

Further details can be found here:

We would be grateful if you circulate this information amongst your colleagues and students.

Many thanks

The Conference Organisation Team

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