The very beginning of Europe? Cultural and Social Dimensions of Early-Medieval Migration and Colonis
4/12/10 .-
International Colloquium Archaeology in Contemporary Europe – ACE The Significance of the Past
The very beginning of Europe? Cultural and Social Dimensions of Early-Medieval Migration and Colonisation (5th-8th Century
Brussels - May 17-19 2011)
As a co-organising partner of the European ACE project which aims to promote archaeology in contemporary Europe, the Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE, Scientific Institute of the Flemish Government, Brussels, Belgium) is organising an international colloquium on the Early Middle Ages within the ACE-theme ‘The Significance of the past’. The focus will be on the issues of social and identity construction, and phenomena such as migration, settlement, ethnicity, acculturation, land use and landscape, as well as the formation of cultural and political identities in the past.
This colloquium is the result of research and exchange carried out within the framework of the ACE project - ‘Archaeology in contemporary Europe’, with the support of the European Union (Culture 2007-2013 programme).
The Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE) is organising this colloquium in cooperation with the ‘In¬ternationales Sachsensymposion. Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Archäologie der Sachsen und ihrer Nach¬barvölker in Nordwesteuropa’. The scientific coordination is assigned to Prof. Dr. Frans Theuws (University of Amsterdam), Prof. Dr. Laurent Verslype (Université Catholique de Louvain), Prof. Dr. Dries Tys (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Dr. Koen De Groote (VIOE), Yann Hollevoet (Departe¬ment RWO of the Flemish Government) and Rica Annaert (VIOE).
The focus will be on the issues of social and identity construction, and
phenomena such as migration, settlement, ethnicity, acculturation, land
use and landscape, as well as the formation of cultural and political
identities in the past.
Please find attached the announcement, the preliminary programme and the
registration form for the colloquium. This form can be sent back before
May, 01 2011 to Tinne Jacobs, VIOE - Koning Albert II-laan 19, bus 5 -
B-1210 Brussels or by e-mail to
The deadline for the abstracts/summaries of presentations and posters for
the Conference Book is April, 01 2011.
We intend to publish the Proceedings of the Colloquium as a monograph in
the VIOE-serie 'Relicta' as soon as possible. For that reason we ask the
speakers to submit their manuscripts before the opening of the congress
(deadline May 15 2011). We will give the speakers 4 weeks for a finishing
touch after the colloquium and expect the definitive manuscripts before
June 15 2011. Please read attentively the 'Relicta Instructions for
Authors' (French version: 'Relicta Directives pour les auteurs') in
May, 17 2011
Location: Auditorium Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels
Evening lecture. G. Halsall (University of York, UK) with key-note lecture on the issues of Early Medieval Migration and Colonisation
Reception with drinks
May, 18 2011
Location: Hadewijch Auditorium in the Conscience building (Flemish Government), Koning Albert II-laan 15, 1210 Brussels
9:00h-9:30h: registration
9:30h-9:45h: introduction
9:45h-10:10h: I. Bede (Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, F), The status of horses in the society of the late Avars in the Carpathian Basin
10:10h-10:35h: M.C.Truc (Inrap/CRAHAM UMR6273/Université de Caen, F), Un groupe de chefs francs à Saint-Dizier (Haute Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France)?
10:35h-11:05h: coffee
SESSION IB: Natural Sciences
11:05h-11:30h: D. Peters (Frankfurt, D), C. Knipper (Mainz, D) & A.-F. Maurer (Mainz, D), The Lombards’ migration – an isotope case study from early medieval central Europe
11:30h-11:55h: R. Panhuysen, L. Smits, M. Kars & F. Theuws (Amsterdam Archaeological Centre- - University of Amsterdam, NL), Bioarchaeological indicators of human mobility in early medieval Maastricht
11:55h-12:15h: discussion session I
12:15h-13:15h: lunch
SESSION II: Identity and landscape
13:15h-13:40h: S. Brookes (UCL-Institute of Archaeology, London, UK), The view from the sea: maritime migration and the colonised landscapes of Early Anglo-Saxon Kent.
13:40h-14:05h: Chr. Ferguson (University of Oxford, UK), Winds on the Water: paths of migration across the North Sea.
14:05h-1430h: P.-J. Deckers & D. Tys (VUB, Brussels, B), The Flemish coastal plain within a North Sea context: Economy, power and identity
14:30h-15:00h: coffee
15:00h-15:25h: S. Messal (Römisch-Germanische Kommission, Frankfurt/Main, D), The Slavo¬nisation of the south-western Baltic region.
15:25h-15:50h: A. De Man (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, P), Forms of Late Antique settlement in Lusitania.
15:50h-16:15h: J. Hendriks (Amsterdam Archaeological Centre – University of Amsterdam, NL), Transforming villa landscapes in Germania secunda. A case of appropriation or alienation?
16:15h-16:40h: P. Walton Rogers (Anglosaxon Laboratory, York, UK), In the borderlands: two sites on the edge of the former Iceni territory in East Anglia
16:40h-17:00h: discussion session II
20:00h: Evening lecture on the history and issues of modern migrations by L. Lucassen (University of Leiden, NL), Cross cultural migration as the engine of social change: a global historical perspective (freely open to the general public).
Location: Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) – Zaal Studio, Ravensteinstraat 32, 1000 Brussels
May, 19 2011
Location: Hadewijch Auditorium in the Conscience building (Flemish Government),
Koning Albert II-laan 15, 1210 Brussels
SESSION III: Identity and urban centres
9:15h- 9:40h: L. Verslype (UCL, B), Continuity, transformation and emergence of the urbanized settlements through the Merovingian period along the northern edge of Neustria and Austrasia.
9:40h- 10:05h: R. Brulet (Directeur du CRAN et pdt. de l’Institut INCAL, B), Tournai, capitale du Bas-Empire et évolution au Haut Moyen-Âge
10:05h-10:30h: A. Vanderhoeven (VIOE, Brussels, B), The late roman and early medieval urban topography of Tongeren.
10:30h-11:00h: coffee
11:00h-11:25h: L. Blackmore (Museum of London, UK) (London in the transition of the late Ro¬man to early medieval period)
11:25h-11:50h: J. Beltrán de Heredia Bercero (Cap del Conjunt Monumental, Barcelona, E), Bar¬celona, de sede regia a capital condal: continuidades y cambios
11:50h-12:10h: discussion session III
12:10h-13:10h: lunch
SESSION IVA: Cemeteries
13:10h-13:35h: C. Hills (Cambridge University, UK), Spong Hill
13:35h-14:00h: 13:35h-14:00h: D. Jouneau, M. Guillon, et al. (Inrap, F), Migration or accultura¬tion? The Saint-Crespin cemetery case (Romilly-sur-Andelle, Eure, France): confrontation between biological anthropological facts and burial artefacts.
14:00h-14:25h: A. Willemsen (National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden, NL), Questioning migra¬tion: continuity and change in the cemetery of Rhenen (4th-8th century AD).
14:25h-14:50h: R. Annaert (VIOE, Brussels, B), Who was buried at the Broechem cemetery (5th-7th century AD)?
14:50h-15:20h: coffee
SESSION IVB: Material culture
15:20h-15:45h: L. van Wersch (Ulg, Liège, B), Ceramic and glass in the Mosan valley: picture of a changing culture between the late Vth and the VIIth century.
15:45h-16:10h: D. Nösler (Wilhemshaven, D), Traditions in craft? Analyses of ceramics of the ‘Dark Ages’ from north-western Germany.
16:10h-16:35h: J. Soulat (Paris, F), Les céramiques de type anglo-saxon le long des côtes de la Manche et leur parallèle avec le bassin de l’Escaut.
16:35h-16:55h: Y. Hollevoet (Raakvlak, Bruges-B), Material culture and ethnicity: the evidence of coastal Flanders
16:55h-17:15h: discussion session IV
17:15h–17:45h: conclusion by F. Theuws (University of Amsterdam, NL)
17:45h-19:00h: drink
We invite you to attend this colloquium, which will be held in Brussels, Belgium on May 17-19 2011. Please find attached the preliminary programme and the registration form.
1. Full Registration Fee
(2 days, including Congress Book, coffee, lunches, reception): € 70
2. Partial Registration Fee
(1 day, including Congress Book, coffee, lunch, reception): € 35
3. Full Student Registration Fee
(2 days, including Congress Book, coffee, lunches, reception): € 20
4. Partial Student Registration Fee
(1 day, including Congress Book, coffee, lunch, reception): € 10
Speakers are exempt of fees.
Modes of payment:
- Cash at the conference
- In advance by bank transfer to following bank account:
Dexia Bank
IBAN BE03 0912 2120 4384
With following mention: VIOE-ACE colloquium + your name
Posters, abstracts and papers for the proceedings
The presentation of posters will be possible during the colloquium.
The deadline for the abstracts/summaries of presentations and posters for the Conference Book is April, 01 2011.
We intend to publish the Proceedings of the Colloquium as a monograph in the VIOE-serie ‘Re¬licta’ as soon as possible. For that reason we ask the speakers to submit their manuscripts before the opening of the congress (deadline May 15 2011). We will give the speakers 4 weeks for a finishing touch after the colloquium and expect the definitive manuscripts before June 15 2011.
English is the preferred language of communication, but summaries and manuscripts in French or German are accepted. All texts must be sent to the congress secretary (tinne.jacobs@rwo.vlaan¬ as attachment by e-mail in Microsoft Word 2003 format:
- abstracts/summaries: 1 page, ca. 500 words with max. 1 illustration in –tiff format
- manuscripts for the proceedings: see attached guidelines.
Conference locations
May, 17th: Key-note lecture
Auditorium Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels
May, 18th and 19th: Colloquium
Hadewijch Auditorium in the Conscience building (Flemish Government), Koning Albert II-laan 15, 1210 Brussels
May, 18th: Evening lecture on the history and issues of modern migrations by Leo Lucassen (Uni¬versity of Leiden, NL) (Freely open to the general public).
Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) – Studio, Ravensteinstraat 32, 1000 Brussels
The very beginning of Europe? Cultural and Social Dimensions of Early-Medieval Migration and Colonisation (5th-8th Century
Brussels - May 17-19 2011)
As a co-organising partner of the European ACE project which aims to promote archaeology in contemporary Europe, the Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE, Scientific Institute of the Flemish Government, Brussels, Belgium) is organising an international colloquium on the Early Middle Ages within the ACE-theme ‘The Significance of the past’. The focus will be on the issues of social and identity construction, and phenomena such as migration, settlement, ethnicity, acculturation, land use and landscape, as well as the formation of cultural and political identities in the past.
This colloquium is the result of research and exchange carried out within the framework of the ACE project - ‘Archaeology in contemporary Europe’, with the support of the European Union (Culture 2007-2013 programme).
The Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE) is organising this colloquium in cooperation with the ‘In¬ternationales Sachsensymposion. Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Archäologie der Sachsen und ihrer Nach¬barvölker in Nordwesteuropa’. The scientific coordination is assigned to Prof. Dr. Frans Theuws (University of Amsterdam), Prof. Dr. Laurent Verslype (Université Catholique de Louvain), Prof. Dr. Dries Tys (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Dr. Koen De Groote (VIOE), Yann Hollevoet (Departe¬ment RWO of the Flemish Government) and Rica Annaert (VIOE).
The focus will be on the issues of social and identity construction, and
phenomena such as migration, settlement, ethnicity, acculturation, land
use and landscape, as well as the formation of cultural and political
identities in the past.
Please find attached the announcement, the preliminary programme and the
registration form for the colloquium. This form can be sent back before
May, 01 2011 to Tinne Jacobs, VIOE - Koning Albert II-laan 19, bus 5 -
B-1210 Brussels or by e-mail to
The deadline for the abstracts/summaries of presentations and posters for
the Conference Book is April, 01 2011.
We intend to publish the Proceedings of the Colloquium as a monograph in
the VIOE-serie 'Relicta' as soon as possible. For that reason we ask the
speakers to submit their manuscripts before the opening of the congress
(deadline May 15 2011). We will give the speakers 4 weeks for a finishing
touch after the colloquium and expect the definitive manuscripts before
June 15 2011. Please read attentively the 'Relicta Instructions for
Authors' (French version: 'Relicta Directives pour les auteurs') in
May, 17 2011
Location: Auditorium Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels
Evening lecture. G. Halsall (University of York, UK) with key-note lecture on the issues of Early Medieval Migration and Colonisation
Reception with drinks
May, 18 2011
Location: Hadewijch Auditorium in the Conscience building (Flemish Government), Koning Albert II-laan 15, 1210 Brussels
9:00h-9:30h: registration
9:30h-9:45h: introduction
9:45h-10:10h: I. Bede (Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, F), The status of horses in the society of the late Avars in the Carpathian Basin
10:10h-10:35h: M.C.Truc (Inrap/CRAHAM UMR6273/Université de Caen, F), Un groupe de chefs francs à Saint-Dizier (Haute Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France)?
10:35h-11:05h: coffee
SESSION IB: Natural Sciences
11:05h-11:30h: D. Peters (Frankfurt, D), C. Knipper (Mainz, D) & A.-F. Maurer (Mainz, D), The Lombards’ migration – an isotope case study from early medieval central Europe
11:30h-11:55h: R. Panhuysen, L. Smits, M. Kars & F. Theuws (Amsterdam Archaeological Centre- - University of Amsterdam, NL), Bioarchaeological indicators of human mobility in early medieval Maastricht
11:55h-12:15h: discussion session I
12:15h-13:15h: lunch
SESSION II: Identity and landscape
13:15h-13:40h: S. Brookes (UCL-Institute of Archaeology, London, UK), The view from the sea: maritime migration and the colonised landscapes of Early Anglo-Saxon Kent.
13:40h-14:05h: Chr. Ferguson (University of Oxford, UK), Winds on the Water: paths of migration across the North Sea.
14:05h-1430h: P.-J. Deckers & D. Tys (VUB, Brussels, B), The Flemish coastal plain within a North Sea context: Economy, power and identity
14:30h-15:00h: coffee
15:00h-15:25h: S. Messal (Römisch-Germanische Kommission, Frankfurt/Main, D), The Slavo¬nisation of the south-western Baltic region.
15:25h-15:50h: A. De Man (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, P), Forms of Late Antique settlement in Lusitania.
15:50h-16:15h: J. Hendriks (Amsterdam Archaeological Centre – University of Amsterdam, NL), Transforming villa landscapes in Germania secunda. A case of appropriation or alienation?
16:15h-16:40h: P. Walton Rogers (Anglosaxon Laboratory, York, UK), In the borderlands: two sites on the edge of the former Iceni territory in East Anglia
16:40h-17:00h: discussion session II
20:00h: Evening lecture on the history and issues of modern migrations by L. Lucassen (University of Leiden, NL), Cross cultural migration as the engine of social change: a global historical perspective (freely open to the general public).
Location: Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) – Zaal Studio, Ravensteinstraat 32, 1000 Brussels
May, 19 2011
Location: Hadewijch Auditorium in the Conscience building (Flemish Government),
Koning Albert II-laan 15, 1210 Brussels
SESSION III: Identity and urban centres
9:15h- 9:40h: L. Verslype (UCL, B), Continuity, transformation and emergence of the urbanized settlements through the Merovingian period along the northern edge of Neustria and Austrasia.
9:40h- 10:05h: R. Brulet (Directeur du CRAN et pdt. de l’Institut INCAL, B), Tournai, capitale du Bas-Empire et évolution au Haut Moyen-Âge
10:05h-10:30h: A. Vanderhoeven (VIOE, Brussels, B), The late roman and early medieval urban topography of Tongeren.
10:30h-11:00h: coffee
11:00h-11:25h: L. Blackmore (Museum of London, UK) (London in the transition of the late Ro¬man to early medieval period)
11:25h-11:50h: J. Beltrán de Heredia Bercero (Cap del Conjunt Monumental, Barcelona, E), Bar¬celona, de sede regia a capital condal: continuidades y cambios
11:50h-12:10h: discussion session III
12:10h-13:10h: lunch
SESSION IVA: Cemeteries
13:10h-13:35h: C. Hills (Cambridge University, UK), Spong Hill
13:35h-14:00h: 13:35h-14:00h: D. Jouneau, M. Guillon, et al. (Inrap, F), Migration or accultura¬tion? The Saint-Crespin cemetery case (Romilly-sur-Andelle, Eure, France): confrontation between biological anthropological facts and burial artefacts.
14:00h-14:25h: A. Willemsen (National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden, NL), Questioning migra¬tion: continuity and change in the cemetery of Rhenen (4th-8th century AD).
14:25h-14:50h: R. Annaert (VIOE, Brussels, B), Who was buried at the Broechem cemetery (5th-7th century AD)?
14:50h-15:20h: coffee
SESSION IVB: Material culture
15:20h-15:45h: L. van Wersch (Ulg, Liège, B), Ceramic and glass in the Mosan valley: picture of a changing culture between the late Vth and the VIIth century.
15:45h-16:10h: D. Nösler (Wilhemshaven, D), Traditions in craft? Analyses of ceramics of the ‘Dark Ages’ from north-western Germany.
16:10h-16:35h: J. Soulat (Paris, F), Les céramiques de type anglo-saxon le long des côtes de la Manche et leur parallèle avec le bassin de l’Escaut.
16:35h-16:55h: Y. Hollevoet (Raakvlak, Bruges-B), Material culture and ethnicity: the evidence of coastal Flanders
16:55h-17:15h: discussion session IV
17:15h–17:45h: conclusion by F. Theuws (University of Amsterdam, NL)
17:45h-19:00h: drink
We invite you to attend this colloquium, which will be held in Brussels, Belgium on May 17-19 2011. Please find attached the preliminary programme and the registration form.
1. Full Registration Fee
(2 days, including Congress Book, coffee, lunches, reception): € 70
2. Partial Registration Fee
(1 day, including Congress Book, coffee, lunch, reception): € 35
3. Full Student Registration Fee
(2 days, including Congress Book, coffee, lunches, reception): € 20
4. Partial Student Registration Fee
(1 day, including Congress Book, coffee, lunch, reception): € 10
Speakers are exempt of fees.
Modes of payment:
- Cash at the conference
- In advance by bank transfer to following bank account:
Dexia Bank
IBAN BE03 0912 2120 4384
With following mention: VIOE-ACE colloquium + your name
Posters, abstracts and papers for the proceedings
The presentation of posters will be possible during the colloquium.
The deadline for the abstracts/summaries of presentations and posters for the Conference Book is April, 01 2011.
We intend to publish the Proceedings of the Colloquium as a monograph in the VIOE-serie ‘Re¬licta’ as soon as possible. For that reason we ask the speakers to submit their manuscripts before the opening of the congress (deadline May 15 2011). We will give the speakers 4 weeks for a finishing touch after the colloquium and expect the definitive manuscripts before June 15 2011.
English is the preferred language of communication, but summaries and manuscripts in French or German are accepted. All texts must be sent to the congress secretary (tinne.jacobs@rwo.vlaan¬ as attachment by e-mail in Microsoft Word 2003 format:
- abstracts/summaries: 1 page, ca. 500 words with max. 1 illustration in –tiff format
- manuscripts for the proceedings: see attached guidelines.
Conference locations
May, 17th: Key-note lecture
Auditorium Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels
May, 18th and 19th: Colloquium
Hadewijch Auditorium in the Conscience building (Flemish Government), Koning Albert II-laan 15, 1210 Brussels
May, 18th: Evening lecture on the history and issues of modern migrations by Leo Lucassen (Uni¬versity of Leiden, NL) (Freely open to the general public).
Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) – Studio, Ravensteinstraat 32, 1000 Brussels